Friday, 12 May 2017

There’s a snap election on its way...

So how about this for a new way of voting?

Finance Bill has been eavesdropping again and thinks he could be on to something.

Having become lost in the corridors of Whitehall before Parliament is dissolved, he somehow found himself in the Private Members’ Bar, ensconced in his favourite Chesterfield club chair and sipping a Gloriously Clueless cocktail. Right next to a couple of Honourable Members who appeared to be discussing horseracing…

Now, even though listening to others’ conversations is somewhat rude, at times it’s just impossible not to hear what’s being said – especially when you’re straining as best you can to filter out the background noise.

And despite knowing how rumours can be started like this, Finance Bill was in no doubt. His ears pricked up when he heard the words “Prime Minister” and “wanting to secure a strong stable” for “National Interest”. And then “one-horse race”. Whoever would have guessed that the PM was entering a filly at Ascot!

Still straining, he heard talk turn to gambling and the members’ Thursday-night bridge and poker games; intermingled with comments about other Right Honourable Members and exclamations of “Oh, what a card!”

And then Finance Bill’s ears well and truly pricked up. Was he really hearing this correctly? Either he’d uncovered a cunning ruse, or else he’d completely got the wrong end of the stick. Not for the first time.

There was going to be a snap election! An election decided by one of the oldest and simplest card games ever invented. How ingenious! Finance Bill ordered another cocktail and filled in the gaps for himself. Party candidates would be entered into the draw and matching pairs elected with a jubilant cry of “Snap!”. And to prevent anyone unwanted taking office, for effect, a candidate would still be entered, but, rather cunningly – and unbeknownst to them – would only have one card…

Just in case you’ve been living in blissful isolation, the Prime Minister has decided to ever-so-slightly bring forward the general election originally planned for 2020; and called a snap election for 8th June 2017. And, as far as we know, it will still be conducted in the traditional way.

Finance Bill remains unconvinced though. He can’t stop thinking about the possibility of pulling out two Jokers.

Brenda from Bristol, over to you…

Until next month...