Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Bands, Burgers, and a Beer Festival…

What’s better than an approachable accountancy firm?

An approachable accountancy firm with beer, that’s what!

Which is why we’re involved with one of our local Beer Festivals this June...

Have you ever wondered what a Beer Festival run by accountants would be like? If you’re thinking drab, dry, and an empty barrel of laughs, you’d be wrong. Well, certainly on this occasion.

Although if we were living up to stereotypes, here’s our take on what some of the beers would be:

‘VAT Ninja’ 5.7%
Smooth and sleek dark ale that creeps up on you and packs a punch. Comprises delicate hops with no hint of what comes next. Other than a heavy chocolate flavour and you feeling 20% more tipsy than you should be.

‘Late Return’ 4.5%
Convivial and perky IPA with a moreish, decadent taste of warm summer and “Okay then, just one more...” Before you know it, you’ve missed your bus home and it’s 4am.

‘Liquid Asset P60’ 4.6%
A refreshingly hydrating, silky lager that’s bursting with citrus zing and energy. So hydrating, in fact, that you’ll need that extra zip to get up to powder your nose every hour.

‘Double Digit’ 10.1%
Light and fragrant craft beer with notes of tropical fruits. Eminently drinkable but extremely potent such that it’s limited to two pints per customer. Aptly named not just because of its alcohol rating but because, after a couple, one finger always looks like two.

‘Accountant’s Delight’ 6.2%
The jewel in the crown and our favourite. Deceptively good with intense malt flavours and almost magical qualities. Just one of these and you’ll instantly find everyone around you witty, engaging, and oozing personality. Especially accountants.

As for the music, you’d have to include classics like Money, Money, Money (by ADDA) and N.I.S.A. (by The Pillage People). And, of course, We Can Work It Out, Don’t Get Me Wrong and anything by The Magic Numbers…

Okay, we’re not actually running a Beer Festival but we are delighted to be the main sponsor of one – this month’s 6th West Hendred Beer Festival, being held over the Friday evening and Saturday all-day of 16th and 17th June.

And if you've been to the festival before you’ll know what a fun event it is. This year it’ll be better than ever with the introduction of a marquee, more live music, and the soon-to-be-famous Chapman Worth Chilli Burger – it’s going to be hot, hot, hot!

For any clients who haven't been before, why not pop along and let us buy you a beer?

Most of the Wantage team will be there and all talk of accountancy and tax is strictly off-limits – which is definitely worth raising a glass to.

And at least you’ll get the right change.


Until next month...